Markets move in cycles, and cycles will always exist. Trade Signals provides a weekly snapshot of current stock, bond, currency, and gold market trends. We provide a summary of technical indicators to help you identify where we sit in short, intermediate, and long-term cycles. We track important valuation metrics to determine the probability of future returns (i.e., when return opportunity is best/least). Trade Signals also tracks investor sentiment indicators and economic and select recession watch indicators.
What’s Included
Weekly Market Snapshot.
Markets move in cycles, and cycles will always exist. Trade Signals provides a weekly snapshot of current stock, bond, currency, and gold market trends.
Valuation Metrics.
Trade Signals tracks important valuation metrics to determine the probability of future returns (i.e., when return opportunity is best/least). We also track investor sentiment indicators and economic and select recession watch indicators.
Technical Indicators.
Trade Signals weekly updates provide a a summary of technical indicators to help you identify where we sit in short, intermediate, and long-term cycles.